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I love HS Chinese Dance!
ME and Sharon!
ME and Miriam
ME and Fedora
ME, Miriam & Kefei
ME and Maryam
WEN YAN♥ is my name!
Entered this brilliant world on 27thAUGUST
Would love to receive presents on my birthday every year =).
I am a really cheerful and friendly girl, (sometimes quite crazy though) ((:
I used to be a ballet dancer but not anymore due to the lack of time since the 2008 SA2 exams started. Quited ballet in Sept 2008 but she can still dance.
I can also play the guitar and keyboard apart from dancing
Used to be a peer councillor in my school, currently part of the HLC
Once a part of NAN CHIAU PRI(ncps) and currently a part of HS
Used to be in 1K'01, 2B'02, 3B'03, 4B'04, 5B'05, 6B'06, 1e3'07, 2e3'08♥((:; that fun and loving class and 3e1'09
And currently a part of 4e1'10♥.
Kwek family♥ is the wonderful clique that i am in.
Part of the wonderful CCA, Chinese Dance♥ Proud to be a chinese dancer and I love my cca loads!
'Cos I adore dancing and music
I adore those who added colours to make my once uneventful life, brilliant and enjoyable. ((:
Australia and New Zealand is where i wish to visit. Friendster | Hotmail

→ NCPS 1K'01, 2B'02; 3B'03; 4B'04; 5B'05; 6B'06!
→ 2e3'08!!!
→ HS chinese dance!!!
→ Kwek family
→ Shak-erians; Shaks(2e3 cheer team)
→ my fave teachers!!!(:
→ my best friends!!!
→ U.S.A trip 2006!!; Europe-Austria trip 2005(loves playing with snow only XP); cameron highlands trip 2007
→ Raffles Town Clubت
→ Dogs!
→ music and dance ♥
→ choclates(esp. from austria)
→ ice-cream
→ Sara Lee cake
→ GoGo Franks
→ Shopaholic and Baby!!!
→ Snow Ice with chocolate
→ chocolates
→ spongebob squarepants and domo-kun

→ Sophie Kinsella
→ Bernice Liu
→ Charmaine Sheh(:
→ Stepenie Meyer
→ Isla Fisher
→ Ashley Greene
→ Taylor Swift(:
→ Shopaolic series
→ Twilight Saga
→ etc...

♥PEOPLE WHOM I LOVE/TREASURE((:(those who made my life brilliant) :
→ Xin Hui; bestie!
→ Jolyn; bestie!
→ Joanne; bestie!
→ Xin Lei; (:
→ Kimberly
→ Sharon; bestie/ 'mum'
→ The Kwek family that consists of fun and loving people
→ Christine; friend who always got bullied by me :P
→ Miriam: sweetie
→ Maryam; crazy 'bout guys
→ Kefei; girlfriend! (:
→ Claudia; lalala
→ mummy
→ daddy
→ maternal grandparents
→ People who care and concern about her
→ 2 teachers (: well, it's a secret; hint:they are really pretty!!!
→ Her idols
→ HS Chinese Dancers

→ get 90 and above for all maths and additional maths exams!♥
→ get at least 85 for all biology tests and exams!♥
→ get at least an A1 for geography and english!♥
→ get at least A1 for chemistry!♥
→ get better grades for chinese
→ get good grades for all exams(including chinese)!
→ get distinction for guitar and keyboard exam♥
→ have a BIRTHDAY PARTY where i can invite my friends (& fave teachers) to♥♥
→ go to Austria to play with snow and buy chocolates once again
→ go to u.s.a once again(esp. san diego and las vegas)
→ go to the farmstay village in australia
→ go to new zealand
→ have a webcam
→ have a mp4
→ itouch/iphone
→ have a mp3
→ new phone♥
→ take neoprints with best friends again♥
→ have a Billabong ☑/Roxy wallet
→ have a Roxy Pencil case
→ have a pair of new specs
→ have a pair of Black sunglasses
→ have a pair of boots
→ High heels slippers
→ Hard Rock Cafe Cap(black)
→ Fila visor
→Black vest
→ confessions of a shopaholic
→ shopaholic&sister
→ shopaholic&baby
→ shopaholic ties a knot
→ shopaholic takes Manhattan
→ The series of unfortunate events - book 13(THE END)
→ Jodi Picoult books
- my sister's keeper♥
→ little black dress books
→ Twilight
→ New Moon
→ Eclipse

→ Breaking dawn
-do more assessments
-study harder
-to stop idle around/slack
-to be more responsible
-practise keyboard & guitar more often
-to be more resilient (dont cry so often, haha..)
-to not be so petty (LOL)
-to not use the computer so often
-do more revision!
→ dog abusers!
→ insects
→ hypocrites!
→ backstabbers
→ people who gossip about others
→ irritating people
→ betrayers


Music Playlist at MixPod.com



my days, not yours.

thank you.

Layout: Kary-yan/Missyan.
Hosts: x o x

27 August 2010

27 august 2010 is such a great day! :D
Thank you teo kefei girlfriend, fedora chua, kaiyan, sharon, cheryl, jiali, adeline, yih koon, lynette, maryam, leonard, gerald, lexus, jason, juan peng, brian, jian cheng n eugene for celebrating my birthday with me! :D
Thank you for the surprise birthday party! :D
i love it! :D
Thank you teo kefei girlfriend, fedora, kaiyan, adeline, yihkoon, jiali, sharon, cheryl, maryam, liying, christine n leonard for the presents! :D
Thank you ms nadleen n mdm zuraidah for writing on the board that kefei made for me! :D
Thank you everyone who wished me happy birthday! :D
love u all! :D

11:47 PM

Happy birthday to myself! :D
today is 27august2010! (:

11:47 PM

14 March 2010

i am blogging today for a special reason.
i want to wish someone happy birthday.
If i am not wrong, today is ms nadleen's birthday.((:

! :DDD

ily, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
ily, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!
u r the best of the best! ((:

3:42 PM

I am having flu now.. :(
My throat feels weird..
Voice will sound weird sometimes DD:

3:30 PM

26 February 2010

SWEET 16! (:

11:53 PM

15 February 2010

Performed in school for the CNY performance. ((:
I think it will be the sec 4s' last performance. :(
Pretty sad lah.
Went to give oranges to the residents after that.
Then, i went home to take a bath n went out again to meet kai yan, sharon, cheryl n liying.
Will post the pictures next time.

Saturday, 13feb2010
Went to soup restaurant for reunion dinner with my family n my relatives.
After that, we went to my uncle's house to chat for a while before heading home.

Sunday, 14feb2010, CNY Day 1 & valentine's day ((:
Happy CNY & happy valentine's day! :D
Woke up at 7.30 am.
First, my family n i went to my uncle's (my dad's bro) house.
Stayed at my uncle's house for quite some time.
Ate tidbits during our stay.
All of my relatives gathered there before setting off to the 2nd location, my granduncle's house.
We had our lunch there.
After lunch, i just continued to eat tidbits n sweets.
Then, we went to Swensens' to have ice-cream
After that, my family n i went to my maternal grandparents' house. (:
When we reached there, some of my relatives are already there.
My aunt(da yi, mum's eldest sis) n her family already went home b'cos we reached there quite late, around 4pm
They will be expecting visitors so they went back home first
Had steamboat for dinner.
Oh man, i love the steamboat.
It was damn great, it's really really really really.. nice!
After that, my cousin, bro, dad, aunt n uncle went downstairs to play.
We played the 'fireworks' n bombbags
While waiting for my other aunt(mum's 2nd elder sis) n her family, my brother n my youngest cousin played some lame games.
Fighting around with the inflatable swords, wearing inflatable hats, my cousin was damn cute.
Sad that i didnt manage to snap a pic of him.
But i took pictures of myself wearing the inflatable hat.
Shall post the pics later.
After i got tired of wearing the hat n taking pictures, i went to eat the new year cookies.
I really love the prawn rolls n pineapple tarts.
N i cant resist them.
I cant resist the temptation to eat chocolates too.
Oh gosh, i am going to grow fatter over this festive season.
Bad thing!
I better exercise more to slim down.
At 7pm, we decide not to wait for them anymore, so my family n i went back home first.

Monday, 15feb2010, CNY Day 2
Mummy, bro n i went to my maternal grandparents' house at about 12.
Reached there at about 12.45, just idled around there n eating new year cookies of course.
The prawn rolls are marvelous, i love them loads.
I just watched TV n took pictures over there.
At around 3+, my uncle(mum's 3rd elder bro) n his wife arrived at my grandmother's house
At 4+, my aunt(mum's youngest sis) n my cousins arrived.
We had steamboat for dinner again.
I love the soup. (:
I love the side dishes too, the fish n meat that my beloved grandma cooked.
It is just so mouth-watering.
I always loved the food she cooked since young, it has got a unique n indescribable taste that i really love.
I cant believe that i finished almost the whole plate of meat.
Oh, i better do more sit-ups to burn the calories.
Maybe i should fidget more b'cos fidgeting burn 350 calories a day.
Aiya, I am already very fidgety. XP I am always too hyper!
After dinner, i chatted with my elder cousin.
My bro was playing with my youngest cousin again..
At around 6.30, mummy, bro n i left for my aunt's (mum's eldest sis) house.
Watched TV n chatted there.
Ate new year cookies again.
Went home at 8+.

pics time!
CNY performance




liying, zhiyin, me n sharon

me n yihan


jolene n i

liying, sharon n i

at home

going to my uncle's house

at my uncle's house

At swensens'! (:

me at grandma's hse

Me n cousin

me with inflatable hat n sword

me holding a star 'firework'

me at grandma's hse

at aunt's hse

Dun feel like posting anymore photos.
My eyelids are heavy n i really want to sleep now!
Good night everyone! (:

11:27 PM

16 January 2010

Stomach cramps! :(
I am having stomach cramps now, and i almost couldnt walk in the morning.
It's really painful.

Anyway, had a.maths diagnostic test yesterday.
There is one question that i definitely had done wrongly, drew that damn graph wrongly.
Trigo graphs are freaking idiotic. :(
And the song, 'im only me when im with you' was in my head throughout the whole of yesterday's morning.
Replaying over and over again in my head, even during the a.maths test.
I was stunned yesterday when i saw the coordinate geometry question for some reason.
And with that song in my head, i had to try really hard to concentrate..
Haiz, whatever...

1:07 PM

10 January 2010

6:48 PM

01 January 2010

Happy New Year (to everyone who sees this)!((:

It's 2010 now.
And it's a brand new year.
Let me blog my 2010 resolutions. ((:

My 2010 resolutions
1. Be more hardworking!
2. Be more serious in my work!
3. Be more resilient!
4. Exercise more often! (LOL!)
5. Practise music more often!
6. Study harder!
7. To not watch TV/use computer so often!
8. to be more responsible!

I guess that's all..

2:47 PM

31 December 2009

How time flies!
Today is the last day of 2009 already.
In the twinkling of an eye, tomorrow is already the first day of 2010.
2010 is gonna be a tough year but i bet it's gonna past really fast.

I will definitely miss the happy, hilarious and fun moments that i spent in 2009.
I would like to thank all those people who added colours to my dull life.
I really love you
esp. the 2 ppl i love, thank you n ily ((:

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year in advance! ((:

my love i'll always love bothofu, will u always love me to?
i really hope bothofu will always remember me.
ily,pretties. ((:

I would also like to say that i saw ms tey at the mrt station yesterday ((:
LOL, random XP

10:27 AM